LEGO Universe: OMG! What an amazing MMOG

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The hardest thing about writing this review was taking myself away from LEGO Universe long enough to finish it! That should tell you just how great this game is.

LEGO Universe, the most recently released MMOG (massively multi-player online game) blew my mind. If you’ve played other LEGO video games you’ll have a bit of gaming experience. However, it’s also very different from typical LEGO games.

Since it’s an online game, you can play with hundreds of players and build freely with every brick in existence. It’s one of the best games ever and the thing is, you never get tired of it. So with that said, we can move on.

Playing LEGO Universe

To log in you simply use the same username and password as your LEGO ID used on the LEGO website. (If you do not have this, simply go to and sign up for free.)

Once you have done this, you make your mini-figure, which is basic, yet awesome. There’s a variety of faces, hairpieces, and clothing to choose from. Later items can be purchased or earned to add to your mini-figure.

At the beginning of the game, you’re first shown a short back-story describing why the Maelstrom, a force of destruction bent on destroying all imagination, has infected the ever-expanding universe of LEGOs. Then you find yourself in a large rocket ship on a crash course for a black hole. In order to escape the black hole, you must build a small, escape rocket, get some imagination, and put on your thinking cap (literally!) After you escape to safety, you make a smooth touchdown in Avant Gardens where more adventures await you.

How much does LEGO Universe cost?

The game disc costs $39.99 and it comes with one free month of subscription. After that, you pay $9.99 each month to keep playing, a reasonable price for a game this great.

If you like what you have read, this is definitely the game for you. With new worlds to explore each month and hundreds of missions on each one, it’s almost guaranteed you will like this game.

If your parents still won’t get you LEGO Universe, just tell them this: This game helps develop the three C’s: Cooperation, Creativity, and Critical thinking skills (what does that even mean?)

They still won’t get LEGO Universe and you need to go for broke? Remember the Bambi eyes.


When Max Calandro (son of Chief Mom Connector of Mom Central, Eileen Calandro) isn’t playing LEGO Universe or building LEGOs in real life, he’s at school, playing with his friends or riding his bike.


Disclosure: Max was flown to Denver, Colorado along with his family to tour the offices of NetDevil and play LEGO Universe.

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Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro