Let’s Move! Encouraging and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for our Children

Let’s Move! Encouraging and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for our Children

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Samantha-Middleton-editorFirst Lady Michelle Obama, at the Let’s Move! Campaign launch in 2010, said, “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake.” This is a serious problem, and the intrepid First Lady has worked hard in the last five years to find serious solutions with her Let’s Move! campaign.

The initiative is dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation, so that the children born now will grow up healthier and without limitation. The campaign offers information to parents about fostering healthier environments. With partnerships and strategies to provide healthier foods in our schools, Let’s Move! encourages dietary improvement and increased physical activity in our children.

The campaign and the First Lady believe that everyone has a role to play in reducing childhood obesity, from teachers to public officials, politicians to parents to the children themselves.

So what can you do? 
Take the Let’s Move! pledge here, and find out more information about the campaign. With The Partnership for a Healthier America, policies are constantly changing in our schools and our communities to further the mission of Let’s Move! to get children eating healthier diets and more physically active. Let’s Move! meet-ups happen all the time, and you can find out where and when and get your entire family active.


The initiative focuses on targeting parents, schools, community leaders, elected officials, chefs, kids, and health care providers on how to truly understand and further the goals of the campaign. Between recipe contests for kids, special appearances and talks by the First Lady herself, and the support of celebrities like Ellen Degeneres (see video below!), this campaign is all-inclusive and has done incredibly throughout the last five years.

Find out more information and learn about how to encourage and maintain a healthier lifestyle for you and your children here at the Let’s Move! website.

Featured Photo and Video from Ellen Show
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Samantha Middleton
Samantha Middleton
My first love is for coffee, and my second for bookstores. I love buying books but not always reading them, identify as a true snow bunny, and find nothing more centering than meditation that seems to always turn into a nap. Writing is a fearful passion of mine but also a source of great joy, especially when that writing involves a delicious recipe or a good pun.
Samantha Middleton