The EntertainMom

The EntertainMom

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cindycorbett-1Raising kids is hard enough. Trying to keep them sheltered and innocent for as long as possible is even harder.

“Please turn that music off! It’s inappropriate for you, your brother, and especially your sister. It’s even inappropriate for me!”

“I know you’re 13 and the movie is rated PG-13 — but you’re still too young to watch it!” 

“Sorry honey, you cannot watch “Tammy” or “Neighbors” or “Borat” – you’re too young!!” 

“The video game is rated M – you’re 12! That means you can’t play it!” 

I find myself saying the above on a daily/weekly basis.

I am a mom of three kids (2 boys and 1 girl) ages 13 ½ , 12 and 10 ½ — all 18 months apart. While starting my family 13 years ago I always thought I would be a good mom – teach right from wrong, respect vs. disrespect, and treat all of the kids the same.

As the kids get older, I realize what I thought would be OK for one is NOT OK and, definitely not OK for the youngest and female of the crew. I often throw in the towel and find myself allowing my oldest to listen to some mildly (and sometimes extremely) inappropriate but trendy music and find myself allowing my youngest (the girl) to watch PG-13 rated movies. The middle one, my 12-year-old-boy, is literally in the middle. Listening to music he shouldn’t be, watching movies probably a bit more advanced for my liking, watching my oldest play video games with fighting scenes, blah blah blah.

I am going to try my best to tell you what I really think of new movies, video games and TV shows for the kids. Do I think the PG-13 movie is really appropriate for a 13- or 12-year-old-boy? Is it OK for my 10-year-old daughter to watch my favorite “Real Housewives Of…” on Bravo with me or watch the latest “Fast & Furious” movie at the theatre?

There is only so much we can shelter our kids from when they are with us. We can’t control what other parents allow in their own homes or what our kids will be doing when visiting friends.

What I write about here is purely my opinion. I am not looking to judge other Moms on their parenting skills – just trying to put a fun, witty spin on an already impossible, no-win, life called Motherhood.

Featured Photo: Shutterstock
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Cindy Corbett
Cindy Corbett
Native New Yorker, transformed Boston sports fan. Love going to the movies, spending time with my kids, tropical vacations, all things entertainment & trendy fashion, anything on Bravo and hanging with my girlfriends. Would rather snack all day than have a meal. Love everything celebrity but don’t ever want to be one :)
Cindy Corbett